Web Design

What’s the Difference Between a Web Developer and a Web Designer?

Have you ever asked yourself what’s the difference between a web developer and a web designer? These two professionals often work together to create web applications and websites. Both of them work with programming languages, but one specialises in particular aspects. Web developers are skilled in both design and technical aspects of websites. Both types […]


What Are the Different Low Latency Levels?

Getting lower latency is essential for smoother gameplay and user experiences. High ping can result in sudden player disappearances, videos buffering continuously, and overall gameplay running slowly. In addition, high ping diminishes the user experience in games requiring precise timing. As a result, gamers are forced to play with higher ping settings than they might […]


How to Identify Fake Xbox One Controllers

Xbox One controllers are now available in different colors and designs. Microsoft recently released the Sport Blue Xbox One controller, a light blue color in the “Sport” series. In addition to the controller, Microsoft also released a matching charging stand. Another color option is the Night Ops Camo Xbox One controller, which features a camouflage […]

Tech News

Improve Manufacturing Analytics With Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics can help you manage your production lines more effectively, improve the quality of finished products, and reduce inaccuracies. Besides reducing inaccuracies, predictive analytics can also detect defects before they happen. In addition, predictive analytics can reduce energy consumption. The manufacturing analytics relies upon predictive analytics, therefore, it is necessary to integrate them. Read […]

Tech News

The Ultimate Guide to Credit Card Processing

The ultimate guide to credit card processing includes essential information about a merchant’s options for credit card processing. You’ll learn about charges such as the Interchange fee, the Authorization hold, and the assessment fee. In addition, you’ll discover how to minimize the risk of chargebacks by carefully monitoring your monthly processing statement. With this information, […]