Tech News Tips and Tricks

How to take Mac screenshot

Taking a screenshot on Mac is a veritably flexible operation thanks to the multitudinous keyboard lanes of the macOS operating system

Taking a shot of what is running on the PC is surely one of the veritably first chops we learned about when we first turned on the computer. In fact, it’s an operation that can be useful in colorful circumstances. From work surroundings to those linked to communication or rest a” trick” with an ancient flavor but with a strict topicality and modernity.

However, the same can not be said for Apple PCs, where there are indeed several ways to do one, If on the mobile bias it’s sufficient to press a combination of physical keys to snap the screen and access the editing and sharing menus present on Android and iOS. screenshot on Mac. In short, we’re faced with a much more flexible procedure, and for this reason. It may be accessible to spend many words on how to capture the screen image on Mac and what are the options handed by Apple to fluently save, cancel and open the screenshot preliminarily. caught.

How to take a screenshot of the whole screen

First, let’s concentrate our attention on a crucial combination that applies to any Mac, as it takes advantage of the lanes of the macOS operating system that Apple has made available according to the different requirements of the stoner, for illustration because you need to capture only a certain portion of the screen or, again, the entire screen.

To take a screenshot of the entire screen on Mackintoshes, simply press the Command Shift 3 keys at the same time the result will be available to the stoner via an image train in. png format saved on the desktop.

How to save a specific area of the Mac screen

still, it may be that you’re interested in landing the image of a specific area that appears on the Mac screen because perhaps that is what we want to partake with our connections. Apple responded to this need with a specific crucial combination, videlicet Command Shift 4 this sequence will transfigure the cursor into a real viewfinder that will allow us to elect in a fine way that portion of the screen that interests us most. After performing the crucial combination, move the cursor to the area to be acquired it’ll be sufficient to press and hold the mouse or the trackpad, as we generally do when we want to select multiple lines at the same time. To capture the screen, just release the mouse or trackpad button, while to cancel the prisoner you’ll have to press the Esc key. To edit the shot, click the summary in the corner of the screen. Or stay for it to be saved to the desktop.

How to save a single window

The Command Shift 4 crucial combination we saw before offers access to so numerous other lanes that Apple has come up with to extend screen prisoner capabilities on Mac. Still, now let’s see how to save a single window. We talked about how to save a specific area of the screen. Also in this case we will have to repeat the crucial sequence Command Shift 4, to which, still, the pressure of the space bar will be added The viewfinder will be replaced by a small camera icon, which can be moved to any screen running on your computer. This is a veritably useful function for saving an entire window or individual rudiments that are in the background. To do this, simply click on the asked window, which the operating system will punctuate with the presence of a white border around the window itself

Capture everything displayed on the MacBook Touch Bar

Eventually, we come to MacBooks with Touch Bar, which can take advantage of a special combination Commando Shift 6 to capture everything that’s displayed on the Touch Bar.

The shot app

The Command Shift 5 crucial sequence was introduced in 2018 following the release of macOS Mojave. And allows you to call up a small panel at the bottom of the display with screen prisoner options. This is the shot app, a veritably flexible program that you can fluently find through a nominal hunt in the limelight. Its functions are different, all veritably useful and customizable. For illustration, there’s the possibility to start videotape recording of the screen. And in a veritably analogous way to what we’ve seen with regard to landing via shot.  It’s possible to do it both for the whole screen and for a specific asked area. Veritably intriguing is also the” Timer” function, which allows you to automatically take a print by choosing a specific time interval of 5 or 10 seconds. But you can also specifically select the screenshot destination on the Mac.

Where are screenshots saved on Mac?

Principally, screenshots captured on Mac are saved on the desktop and are fluently recognizable because they follow the same format” shot( date)( time). png”. Starting with macOS Mojave and latterly, we have the capability to change the saving path of screenshots on Mac. To do this, just use the Options menu in the shot app, as seen ahead. Or drag the summary that’s shown on the screen after prisoner into a brochure or document.


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