All your clients wish to have the maximum possible comfort of an air conditioned space, be it commercial or residential. And it’s understandable. Hot summer months would be unbearable, not to mention impossible to imagine without an air conditioner to provide fresh, cool air. The same goes for cold winters when the temperatures plummet. However, nobody wants to spend more money on their comfort and convenience than necessary.
That’s why your customers are constantly looking for advice on how to choose the most energy efficient HVAC solutions. Enter ENERGY STAR Certification. These systems save money on utility bills while protecting the environment in the process. It seems that all there is to it is to look for an ENERGY STAR label and pick a unit.
However, it’s a bit more complicated than that. The only way for your clients to understand what ENERGY STAR stands for and how they can choose the best and the most efficient solution for their home or business is to learn more about what this initiative stands for and how they can implement their knowledge to really choose the best system for their space and requirements.
What Is ENERGY STAR Rating?
ENERGY STAR Rating serves, in the simplest terms, as an indication of how energy efficient a product is. This rating shows whether or not a system meets the federal mandates regarding its energy efficiency.
Not all appliances and heating and air conditioning systems come certified with ENERGY STAR Ratings, which usually shows they’re not as energy efficient as necessary. These products also fail to contribute to our environment’s sustainability. However, the majority of refrigerators, air purifiers, and air conditioners have this rating.
How EPA Recognizes Potential For ENERGY STAR Rating
The Environmental Protection Agency decides to reward an appliance or a system with the ENERGY STAR Rating based on the following criteria:
- The product has to significantly contribute to nationwide energy saving attempts.
- The product has to deliver the necessary performance and features demanded by clients while increasing energy efficiency.
- If an ENERGY STAR rater product costs more than offerings from the competition, ther price has to be justified through long-term savings within a reasonable time period that will amount to the difference in price.
- Energy efficiency can stem from widely available technologies which are non-proprietary and that are present in products offered by several different manufacturers.
- The performance and the energy consumption of the product in question get tested and verified before awarding the rating.
How EPA Revises Ratings
However, not all ratings are forever and the Environmental Protection Agency can choose to revise products if the presence of certified products exceeds 50% of a particular category. However, there are certain rules that the EPA has to follow before making such actions, including:
- Changes in minimum efficiency regulations from the Federal government.
- Technological advancements that reflect the enhanced energy efficiency within a certain category and demand additional testing for revising ENERGY STAR ratings.
- Availability of a certain product.
- Issues with consumers failing to actually realize projected savings.
- Quality or performance issues of a product.
What Is The Purpose Of This Rating?
The main purpose of the ENERGY STAR rating system is to provide customers with a clearly identifiable and energy efficient solution for their particular requirements. While the HVAC system that boasts the ENERGY STAR badge isn’t maybe the most advanced version available on the market, it is among the more energy efficient offerings.
This means that those systems that feature this certification tend to be ten to twenty percent more efficient than their competitors who lack this rating. This, in turn, implies that your clients will save money in the long run by opting for an ENERGY STAR rated air conditioning system.