People are generally more aware of cybercrime these days and are therefore more cautious when it comes to browsing the Internet. This is why you want to build a brand that they can instantly trust, which all starts with choosing the most suitable domain.
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So how do you ensure you pick one that customers can recognise, relate to and trust?
1. Choose how you want to introduce yourself
When it comes to deciding on your domain, it is important not to be too clever or vague.
You can play around with different names by visiting sites like and seeing what is available. Here, you can try different variations of the website name and see it on the page as others will see it. The site also suggests alternatives where your choices aren’t an option, which can sometimes give you new ideas and allow everything to fall into place.
Keeping your website address short is also key, as that will make it easier for customers to remember it and to pass it on (and word of mouth business is the cheapest form of good advertising you can get). Meanwhile, in trying to shorten your title, don’t make it too cryptic or no one will know what your website is and may even be put off clicking on the link.
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2. Build a foundation of trust
If you want to get your brand noticed, you need to pick a domain that speaks to your audience. It should grab their attention yet also make it clear what you do, make or offer. How else can you expect a customer to trust you with their money?
If, for example, you choose to list the word ‘trainer’ in your domain address, be sure to clear up any confusion. Customers looking for sports footwear will be disappointed when they land on your site and find you are a fitness trainer, and vice versa, which doesn’t start off their experience well!
If customers have seen your brand before or heard others speak of it, they are less likely to send your mail to their Junk folder, or simply delete it without a second glance. That domain address is often the first thing customers see when you connect and so it needs to be a good one.